Mon-Sat 9am
Sat 5pm, Sun 10am
Adoration Fri 9:30-10:30am
Confessions 8:30am weekdays, Sat 4:00-4:45pm
We’re Roman Catholic. Our liturgy is centred on the Eucharist, source and summit of Christian life. Traveling? Got Questions?
36” bag of 20 mixed pieces (spruce, pine, poplar), $20 each, to support the parish work of Knights of Columbus Council 13226
You can now have refundable containers picked up by Skip the Depot and direct the proceeds to our parish for church repairs!
Sign up now to connect to our parish account and get a tax receipt at year end. If this is your first time, use promo code RECYCLEEASY for no service fees so the full amount of your donation will be credited.
When you want your refundables picked up, sign in to your account, choose a pickup date, ensure Canadian Martyrs Church is in your ‘Want to Donate’ box, label your bags with your personal account ID #, and put them outside for pickup. Questions? E-mail
Thank you so much for your generous support!
Saturday or Sunday with Mass, or without a Mass upon completion of the baptismal preparation process.
Weekdays 8:30am, Saturdays 4:00-4:45pm, or by appointment. Sacramental preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion will begin in October for children in Grade 2 and higher. Registration is open. Your child must complete the preparation program. First Reconciliation is before First Communion.
For First Holy Communion, your child must be at least in Grade 2 and have received First Reconciliation.
Children in grade 6+ may register if they were baptized or made a Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church, had 1st Reconciliation, and received 1st Holy Communion.
You’ll meet with a priest for an overview of the requirements and preparation needed for sacramental marriage.
Our history, in brief.
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